Bodywork Holistic Health Life Maine Massage Portland Work

How I’m currently coping with the COVID 19 Situation, plus a survey for you!

Hi Everybody, Have you noticed? Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, we’ve all been completely SWAMPED with emails from every business that...
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Bodywork Energy Work Holistic Health Specials

What is Emotional CPR?

Earlier this month, I took a two day course on Emotional CPR. Yeah, great Cal…uh, what the heck is Emotional CPR?...
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Benefits Energy Work Holistic Health Maine Meditation Portland

Meditation: Three Things You Need to Consider Before You Go Further!

You've been meditating! Great! Even if you are still only doing five to ten minutes a day, that means you're...
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Benefits Holistic Health Maine Meditation Portland Yoga

A Few Reasons WHY You Should Keep Meditating.

Let's take a moment to reflect and maybe even pat ourselves on the back before we really step back and...
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Benefits Bodywork Energy Work Holistic Health Maine Portland

What is energy work?

Polarity’s aim is to stimulate and balance one’s endocrine and nervous systems, as well unblock one’s energy field, allowing for...
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